The Taxi


The Taxi

I’m attempting a pingback, so if this doesn’t work, do correct me if i’m wrong >_<

It is something of a rough bump in the journey of life when such a thing happens.

It leaves a void that is hard to fill in. The things we do to take our mind off it eases that journey to healing. But that legacy left behind, that bond and memory. That is something that might be forgotten over time but never gone.

But it’s a sign of how strong that connection was with your mother. It’s a sign that until today, she still lives in you.

Immortality isn’t living forever, but remaining within the walls of memory, in the inner holy sanctum that is one’s heart.

I have been through such a lost as well and I must say that even until today, many years apart just means that many years of rowing your boat down the river of life away from the shores. The shores of safety are still in view, just a distance away.

But I believe that what’s remaining is her legacy. A new mission left behind, and that is to be the child that she has raised and wanted you to be. To follow in her footsteps, the very steps that inspired you and others who knew her and what made her a great person. =)