Philosophical Muse : The Night Time Jigsaw Puzzle Appreciation


Things in life happen for a reason. We are all but pieces of a big divine plan, gears and parts of an intricate whole.

So normal is the flow of interaction between beings that we often times live life on auto mode, not realising the exchanges we make on a higher level of consciousness.

There are times when the world (or most of it) is a-slumber that some of us lie awake, thinking and pondering and start to question what life is all about.

We ask the questions why – why did this or that happen. Some of us fall back to the teachings indoctrinated upon us from religious faith or traditions and the mouldings of culture. Some through logical reasoning and deductions.
We ask the many questions on why our life is the way it is. On why events manifest itself the way they do.

As far as I have understood and observed, more often than not, the reasons for things happening is far beyond our immediate understanding.
It’s things whereby the answers to why they happen come later when the pieces of the whole jigsaw come together down the road.

The question though lies in that when that puzzle is complete, do we actually take time to look at it?
Or are we too preoccupied with the next new puzzle piece that drops in our mailbox of life?

When we observe each completed puzzle as a whole, recalling the process of how it was put together unconsciously, do we see how everything is connected and that everything that has happened, has to happen the way they did for things to end the way they are.

Reflection upon this must be done not just from the perspective of the self, but with those who interacted with our existence put into the equation as well.
For as everyone is an independent thinking soul, capable of being a spanner that jams the works of a calculated certainty, one will realise just how amazing the cogs and wheels turn in the whole mechanism of existance that makes our life move forward.

Perhaps I’m just the odd drunk banthering about in the wee hours of the morning when most have retired from the living world and entered another realm in slumberland to live their second lives manifested by mind instead of physical existance.

But once in a while, there are those of us who will take a swig from the drink of life and stay stone cold sober thinking.

I guess I do treasure contemplative moments like these. Sometimes we seek answers and assurances to the questions in life. And we, most of the time, don’t realise that it’s within us. The answers are there.

It’s about faith and understanding – that we are all on a mission to impact or influence those who come and go in our lives. That we are placed in the lives of others as others are in our lives to set things in motion.

There’s a Tibetan saying that states that there are no coincidences in life. Everything happens for a reason.
I used to wonder why in the past. Now, I just try to look in wonder.

Oh I do get caught up in the maelstrom of chaos ever so often and it becomes a damper for the mood.

But when the time comes for time-off and the mind is chilling in lounge of contemplation, does it arrive in a tray.
That euphoric cocktail in a cup waiting to be experienced. That texture of realisation and wonderful taste of wonder.

How intricate the workings behind every connection in our lives.

Call it faith for those embracing divinity. Or statistical probability and odds for those embracing a logical and scientific outlook. Or perhaps the result of a well executed move born from the stratagem of a divine one for those embracing the logical and the divine.
Regardless of one’s direction in philosophy and thought processes, it’s a time to sit back and marvel at the wonders of one of many secret inner works unfolding.

And as the satisfaction fills your entire being as you consume the knowledge and realisation, you can then be lulled into peaceful slumber.
For in the morning, a letter awaits in the mailbox, with a new puzzle piece of a new mystery awaiting to be discovered and realised.